no-bake everything but the kitchen sink bars
Cookies Uncategorized

Another Easy and Delicious No-Bake Bar!

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For those of you reading this post in an -email, the recipe doesn’t seem to show up anymore with the new program I am using. If you click on the title of this post, it will take you to the post on the website and you can see the recipe there!

I’ve been reading a some recipes from Christina Tosi of New York’s Milk Bar baker recently. Yesterday I posted about the Apple Pie Layer Cake that I made for a family get together. Another recipe of hers that caught my attention was her famous Compost Cookie. Apparently this is a favourite cookie of CNN’s Anderson Cooper! Her riff on a chocolate chip cookie contains a few couple of unusual ingredients: Kettle cooked chips, pretzels, ground coffee and broken graham crackers. These are paired with some more traditional ingredients like butterscotch and dark chocolate chips and oats.

Instead of baking the cookie recipe, which is available on their website, I thought the ingredients would pair well with my Easy No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares. To allow for the extra ingredients, I doubled the base recipe of the bar, but instead of doubling the cereal, I added the extra add-ins. I didn’t put coffee in my bars, because my daughter wouldn’t like that, but I think that would be a nice addition too! I settled on chips, pretzels, graham crackers, white chocolate chips, toffee chips and quick oats along withe the crisped rice and corn flake cereal, for a total of 6 cups of add-ins.

The bars were so tasty! I really liked the pops of salt that came from the chips and the pretzels. This balanced so nicely with the sweetness from the other ingredients. They were an amazing salty-sweet treat!

I’ve decided to call these bars Everything But the Kitchen Sink Bars because they have so many different things in them 🙂 I’ve put the recipe exactly as I made it, but you could add your own ingredients! Some other ideas might be mini marshmallows, nuts or seeds, candy coated chocolates …. Get creative!

no-bake everything but the kitchen sink bars
Yields: 32 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 5 Mins
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Everything But the Kitchen Sink Bars

The add-ins for these no-bake bars are a delicious blend of salty and sweet!


0/14 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/7 Instructions
  • Combine cereals, chips, pretzels, white chocolate chips, toffee chips, graham cracker pieces and oats in a large bowl
  • In a large pot, combine corn syrup, brown sugar, chocolate chips, peanut butter and vanilla. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until chocolate is melted and mixture is well combined, 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Stir in cereal mixture and mix with a rubber spatula to combine.
  • Spoon mixture into greased 9 x 13 inch pan and flatten top.
  • Add extra toppings on top, if desired. Lightly press toppings onto the bars to adhere them.
  • Cover and chill in the fridge until set, about 30 minutes. Cut into 32 bars.
  • Store bars in the fridge.

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