Two weeks ago, I soft-launched my home bakery! I have been overwhelmed by the feedback and orders I’ve received so far! It’s been such a positive experience! In the meantime, I’ve taken Food Handler Training and my kitchen has been inspected by the health unit and been approved. Now I’m ready to fully launch this new venture so I’m posting my menu here for people to find.
Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to revamp my website to make it more user-friendly for ordering as well as keeping the recipes going for those of you that enjoy baking them. In the meantime, for those of you in the Barrie, Ontario area, here is my menu for you to view. And just for fun, here are a few of the things I’ve baked for customers over the past two weeks. I’m looking forward to filling more orders over the next couple of weeks!
If you’re in the Barrie area and would like to place an order, please email me at I ask for 1-2 days’ notice for most orders.
Butter Tarts Croissants Key Lime Pie Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Raspberry Chocolate Cake Salted Dulce de Leche Brownies Vegan Brownies
they all look amazing
Good luck with this! Everything of yours always looks so amazing. BTW, it is international scone week again in case you want to take part