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90 recipe(s) found

Raspberry Chocolate Ganache Tart

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This flavour silky chocolate tart is brightened up with a layer of raspberry jam over the crust and some the addition of some freeze-dried raspberry powder to the chocolate ganache. A luscious, fresh take on the chocolate ganache tart!

Maple Bacon and Pecan Sticky Buns

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These sticky buns are made with a tangzhong dough for a soft fluffy bun. The topping of maple, bacon and pecans makes them a wonderful salty-sweet breakfast treat.


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Make homemade marzipan for a fraction of the cost of storebought! It is best to use either a stand mixer or food processor to make this.

Shortbread Cookies

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It’s not Christmas in our house until I bake a batch (or two) of my grandmother’s shortbread cookies! This simple recipe produces a cookie that is balanced and crumbly as shortbread should be. The addition of rice flour, lowers the gluten content, giving the cookie it’s “short” texture and low and slow cooking ensures a perfectly dried out cookie without caramelizing the sugar in the cookie.

Apple Dutch Baby Cake

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This custard-based cake is a true celebration of apples! The thinly sliced layers of apples are coated in cinnamon-spiced sugar and tossed with rum-soaked raisins and a pancake-like batter for an easy, scrumptious tea cake.

Cruffins Recipe

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Cruffins are a delicious cross between a croissant and a muffin and are so much easier to make than the traditional croissant! They are delicious sliced in half and spread with some jam.

Baklava Cheesecake

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This amazing baklava cheesecake features a crispy phyllo crust and a creamy honey-lemon cheesecake sandwiched between two layers of spiced nuts and topped with a spiced honey syrup.

Deep Dish Roasted Red Pepper and Caramelized Onion Quiche

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This flavour-packed deep-dish quiche combines roasted red peppers, caramelized onions and gruyere cheese for a vibrant mouthful of flavour in every bite.

Spiderweb Pumpkin Layer Cake

Spread the loveSpiderweb Pumpkin Layer Cake Fluffy layers of pumpkin spice cake are combined with orange and spice Swiss Meringue Buttercream and then decorated with a black icing spiderweb and cute little chocolate spiders. Cake recipe adapted from Life Love and Sugar. For most accurate results I recommend measuring by weight.  

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

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I tinkered around with this recipe until I achieved pumpkin spice muffins that have a wonderfully fluffy texture and bake up with nice domed tops.